Dython for Kids for Dummies

Calling all wanna-be coders! Experts point to Python as one of the best languages to start with when you're learning coding, and Python For Kids For Dummies makes it easier than ever. Packed with approachable, bite-sized projects that won't make you lose your cool, this fun and friendly guide teaches the basics of coding with Python in a language you can understand. In no time, you'll be installing Python tools, creating guessing games, building a geek speak translator, making a trivia game, constructing a Minecraft chat client, and so much more.

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Electronics for kids for dummies

The book Electronics For Kids For Dummies is here to teach them the core concepts of electronics in a fun and engaging way. Written in a language elementary-to-middle-school-aged kids can understand, it's packed with full-color photos, easy-to-follow instructions, simple examples, and 13 cool projects that will boost your child's confidence while instilling valuable electronics lessons.

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Electronics for kids for dummies

The book Electronics For Kids For Dummies is here to teach them the core concepts of electronics in a fun and engaging way. Written in a language elementary-to-middle-school-aged kids can understand, it's packed with full-color photos, easy-to-follow instructions, simple examples, and 13 cool projects that will boost your child's confidence while instilling valuable electronics lessons.

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